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Twin Cities Angels are happy to work with other investment firms, including venture capital firms, corporate venture funds, incubators and other angel groups. One of our goals is to attract the capital, knowledge, and connections of these firms into co-investment opportunities with TCAngels members.

Below are some examples of how we work with other organizations:

  • Local Screen/Lead. An out-of-state firm runs across an attractive Minnesota-based opportunity and is looking for input.
  • A partner in the firm contacts the Twin Cities Angels to take a first look before committing to travel and visit the company.
  • Twin Cities Angels contact other members with experience in the target company, analyze the company, and provide input to the VC partner. If the input is valuable, the VC partner may look to the Twin Cities Angels to assist on a local level going forward.

Deal Flow Window. An early-stage, regional firm wishes to see all pre-screened deals that are submitted to the Twin Cities Angels.

Top Deals Only. A late-stage, out-of-state firm wishes to see only companies past the proof-of-concept stage. The firm requests to be informed of Twin Cities Angels' investments that demonstrate success and are ready to begin searching for a Series B round of capital.

Close Out Round. An early-stage VC or lead investor from another angel group would like to raise additional capital for a company in the current round they are contemplating. The investor agrees to be the referral for the company. We return the favor by going to our co-investors with deals larger than the appetite of our members.

Referrals. An incubator is looking for quality companies that need some help before they are ready for an angel round. The incubator requests that they refer quality applicants that are too early for the Twin Cities Angels to the incubator. Graduates of the incubator are referred back to the Twin Cities Angels.

Note: Twin Cities Angels have one requirement for co-investors: if a firm learns of an opportunity via the Twin Cities Angels and decides to go forward with an investment, that firm must allow Twin Cities Angels' members to co-invest in the company under the same terms.

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