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Helping Minnesota’s Startups Succeed!

Our Charter.
Twin Cities Angels provides a formal organization for our entrepreneurially-minded angel-investor. Members share interests in: increasing their access to quality deal flow; leveraging their capital with greater investment clout from the combined dollars of the group; leveraging their time and expertise with other experienced members; making better researched and more intelligent investments through high-quality due diligence; increasing their knowledge about and how to make such investments; and socializing among like-minded individuals.

The Obama JOBS Act and crowdfunding: bright promises, likely failure

By John Alexander

President Obama signed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act into law, on April 5. According to the President and bipartisan lawmakers who supported it, its passage makes it easier for small companies and startups to go public and raise capital by changing a variety of the regulations around raising money.

These changes include:

There Are Angel Investors in Minnesota

By John J. Alexander

Despite the recently reported near-death of the Minnesota Angel community (as seen in the local Twin Cities newspapers) I am here to report that angel investors are alive and well in our state. They are just a little more cautious.

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